10월 학평 영어 30번 빈칸 유사문제입니다(10월 학평 30번의 해외원전( Ethics of Spying: A Reader for the Intelligence Professional 저자:Jan Goldman) 의 다른부분을 사용했습니다)
Q:다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 적절한 것은?
According to German Philosopher, Immanuel Kant, the ability of human beings to act morally is itself an end. Specifically, it is the end, or purpose, of morality. That ability is what gives us dignity and to rob someone of it is wrong. So expressed simply, what it means to treat people as an end is ( ).It is of course true that not everyone acts morally, but this does not mean we are permitted to treat bad people merely as means. But what it does mean is that we hold people responsible for their actions. In fact, Kant saw punishing wrongdoing as means of upholding human dignity rather than a way of undermining it. Furthermore, because we cannot know from its effects whether a will is good, we cannot be sure whether or not any particular will is good. Consequently, in order to not omit any beings with good wills, we must treat all rational beings and therefore all humans as an end in themselves.
1) to provide an opportunity to person with wrong behaviors rather then merely punishing them for what they did
2) to chiefly consider hidden intentions of human acts rather then only considering outer results and phenomenon
3) to respect their dignity as human beings and not to limit their capacity for rational thought and moral acts
4) to obey the designated law and rules regardness of some negative side-effects it will provoke
5) to execute rational and impartial law that is acceptable and satisfing to every person and entities in our world
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